My Leave
This window enables you to send leave applications. This gives you easy and better visibility on your Leave Balances and Active Requests as you apply for your leave.

This option allows you to review the leave (but not the leave type) of the other employees within your Organisational Unit which may help you when planning for your own leave.

To apply for leave, populate the following mandatory fields below:

Nominate the type of leave (e.g. Annual, Sick, Leave Without Pay, etc.) you will take.

This appears only when the Leave Type uses Flexibility Payment Type.
Additional information for flexibility leave applications is displayed when you select a Leave Type linked to a Flexibility Payment Type. Likewise, an information icon is presented next to the Flexibility Payment Type label, which you can hover over to see some useful information to assist with applying for the leave type.

Choose the reason for taking the leave.
This is an optional field unless the Leave Type is Other.
When the toggle Filter Leave Reason by STP Payment Type on Self Service Options is turned on (i.e. *TSDATA_OPTIONS Position 147 is set to Y) and the selected Leave Type is an Hours Type Code, the Leave Reason is filtered further by STP Payment Type for employees with a Group Profile that associates with a Design Template which has Import Leave To set to Payroll.

Indicate the first day you will be on leave.

Indicate the last day you will be on leave.

Indicate the first working day after your leave.

This field displays the number of hours/days calculated based off your scheduled work hours. In cases where your leave application includes public holidays, the number in this field will be the remainder of deducting the Pub. Hol. Hours/Days away from your scheduled work hours. This can be modified.

In cases where your leave application includes public holidays, and you apply leave in hours, this field displays the auto-calculated number of hours by multiplying public holiday days by your scheduled hours; if you apply leave in days, this field displays the auto-calculated number of days of public holidays. This can be modified.

Indicate when you would like to receive your pay while on leave, whether In Advance or Each Pay.
This field is only displayed if the Display Leave Payment Option field on Self Service Options is set to Y.

This displays the leave period you are applying for, presented in a Work Pattern Calendar.
The days/rows populated on the calendar depends on the date range indicated in the fields Start Date and End Date. Likewise, when entering the leave dates, the calendar will display the number of hours you work for in a day/week based on your Work Pattern (or Base Hours if no Work Pattern exists).
If this is available/ turned ON, you have the ability to modify the default hours from this calendar. Validations are still in place, see Overriding Hours Away dropdown.
This Calendar is available when the Use Leave Application Calendar on Self Service Options is turned ON (where Preceda Variables *SELFSERV_LAWP Position 1 = Y and also *TSDATA_OPTIONS Position 27 = H - Apply for Leave in Hours).
Public Holidays, if set, can be visible on the calendar as a blue highlight (i.e. as the default colour and configurable via the General Leave Settings screen).

You can modify the hours you will be away by entering, in the calendar's specific day, the number of hours you intend to go on leave. Doing so instantly updates the fields Hours away and Pub. hol. away (if your leave falls on a holiday).
In cases where the day is a partial public holiday, (e.g. only 0.5 of the day is a public holiday), when hours is modified in the Calendar, the system will recalculate the number of Hours Away. It will first work out the number of Pub. hol. hours away based on your scheduled work hours, then the remainder will become the Hours away.
When entering leave hours beyond the maximum or less than the minimum number of hours set per day/week (i.e. as indicated on Group Profile's Employee Work Hours Calendar section), the particular day/s or week/s will be highlighted (i.e. by the colour set on Self Service Options screen's Leave Application Calendar Warning Colour) as a warning. When this happens, make sure you enter leave hours within the set limit.
You can also hover over the highlighted day/s or week/s to view the warning message.

This is only enabled when the selected leave type belongs to Classification S.
Ticking this field means that you have a doctor's certificate.

Drag and drop the file you want to attach or click Browse to attach a file.
Once a file has been attached, an x icon is displayed at the left side of the filename allowing you to delete the file if needed. Once deleted, you can opt to revert the attachment back.

The Attachment functionality is only enabled if the Classification associated to the Hours Type Code selected for the Leave Application has been set to Mandatory or Optional on the General Leave Settings screen's Attachment column.
- To enable the Attachment option on My Leave screen, set the Attachment column on the General Leave Settings screen's Attachment column to M - Mandatory or O - Optional.
Since the Annual Leave is set to Optional, you can choose to attach or not on My Leave. When you apply for Sick Leave, you are then required to make an attachment (i.e. a doctor's certificate) since this leave type has been set to Mandatory on the Attachment column (above screenshot).
Setting the Attachment column on the General Leave Settings screen to N disables the attachment functionality preventing you to upload any file.

Nominate the Manager who will review and approve your application.

This is the Business Email Address of the selected Manager.
This field will be disabled and auto-populated with the Manager's Business Email Address recorded in Preceda. If there is no Email Address, this will be enabled for input.

Nominate an Alternate Manager who will review and approve your application in case the nominated Manager is not available.

This is the Business Email Address of the selected Alternate Manager.
This field will be disabled and auto-populated with the Alternate Manager's Business Email Address recorded in Preceda. If there is no Email Address, this will be enabled for input.

Enter any additional requests or comments that your Manager should be aware of.

Once you have populated the required fields for your leave application and checked if the details entered are correct, click this button to send your leave application for Manager's review.

This section displays your current leave balance per leave classification.

This is the classification of leave that you currently have.

This displays the remaining hours you still have for the corresponding leave after Leave Taken has been deducted.

When the Remaining Leave Balance has been projected by indicating a future date via the Projected To field, it then takes into account any leave submitted prior to and within the projected date, but not beyond the projected date.
For example, the Projected To date is set to '01/12/2022' and an Annual Leave from '23/11/2022' until '07/12/2022' has been applied. Only the leave hours/days from '23/11' to '01/12' will be taken into account and deducted from the annual leave balance. The applied leave after the Projected To date (i.e. '02/12' to '07/12') is not included in the remaining balance calculation.

A tool-tip is displayed when projecting leave to explain what is included in the projection calculation.
- Whenever you project leave balances by indicating a future date (i.e. after the Date Accrued To date) in the Projected To field, this tool-tip is made available informing you of the coverage of the leave balance displayed based on your projected leave date.
- This Warning Message is displayed when the Leave Accrual Method is using a Pro-rata Method of 'W' for Actual Hours Worked. If the Pro-rata Method is not 'W', only the first tip (a) will be displayed.

This indicates up to when the particular leave is effective. This is based on the Date Accrued To field on the Leave Entitlements screen.

You can project your Leave Balances by indicating a future date (i.e. after the Date Accrued To date) via the Projected To option.
To project leave balances, tick the column Allow Projection on ESS on the General Leave Settings screen for the corresponding Leave Type you want to project.
Ticking the Allow Projection on ESS box for the specific Leave Type allows you to use the Projected To option on My Leave's Leave Balances section. You can then indicate the date until when you want to project your leave balance.
Leaving the Allow Projection on ESS box unticked disables the Projected To option.

This area displays active leave applications.
Once you have completed your leave application, it is possible to edit certain details as long as the application is not yet approved. To change the details of an existing leave application, you can select the row corresponding to the leave intended to be modified and double click on it, or click the Drilldown button on the toolbar.
Once a leave application is past the point of Approval (i.e. Have been Approved, Declined, Imported to Payroll, Partially Paid or Fully Paid), the information on this drill-down becomes non-editable.

This is the classification of leave that you have applied for.

This displays the Start and End dates of your leave request.

This field enables you to instantly view the number of hours applied for in a leave request.

This indicates the status of your leave application (e.g. Imported to Payroll, Cancelled, Declined).